RPO Attex
RPO Attex is a scientific company which specialises in remote sensing technologies and their utilisation in both fundamental and applied investigation areas.
The main company product is the modified Meteorological Temperature Profiler MTP-5. MTP-5 is an instrument for measuring temperature profiles up to 1000 meters in height every five minutes. This unique device has great features: all weather operation, self-calibrating system, self-contained continuous work and user-friendly software.
Since 1992, over 76 devices have been installed in 12 countries and are working to measure the temperature profiles under our support. Between 2010 and 2013 there were 15 new MTP-5s installed for tasks such as: urban climate and heat island during heat wave anomaly, meteorological service with now casting and short forecasting, ecological tasks for megalopolises and technology with high levels of ecological risks, nuclear power plants monitoring, fog forecasts for airports, and scientific purposes.
Attex is an Official Dealer of Kipp & Zonen in Russia.